I am a rhinoceros that is an endangered mammal. I have rough, thick, pleated skin, grayish in color and have large horns as self-protection. I also have a keen sense of hearing and smell but blurred eyes. Lifespan up to 60 years or more. I am categorized as a herbivorous animal (plant eater).



1. Peacocks

2. Horse

3. Ostrich

4. Sumatran serow

5. Rhinoceros

6. Owls

7. Iguana

8. Frog

9. Sea turtles

10. Zebra

11. Bats

12. Rhinoceros hornbill

13. Cobra

14. Giraffe

15. Elephants

16. Wasps

17. Shark

18. Dinosaur

19. Parrot

20. Monkey



Last Updated: Thursday, 21 March 2024 - 11:56am